Union membership data Table 1: Union membership and union coverage, 12-months ending December, 2019 to 2023 Table 2: Union membership and union coverage, 12-months ending December, 2019 to 2023: By broad private sector industry Table 3: Union membership and union coverage, 12-months ending December, 2019 to 2023: State and local government Table 4: Union membership and union coverage, 12-months ending December, 2019 to 2023: By selected characteristics Table 4a: Union membership and union coverage within the private sector, 12-months ending December, 2019 to 2023: By selected characteristics Table 4b: Union membership and union coverage within the public sector, 12-months ending December, 2019 to 2023: By selected characteristics Table 5: Union membership and union coverage, 12-months ending December, 2019 to 2023: By state Table 5a: Union membership and union coverage within the private sector, 12-months ending December, 2019 to 2023: By state Table 5b: Union membership and union coverage within the public sector, 12-months ending December, 2019 to 2023: By state