Areas of expertise
Labor and employment relations • Labor markets • Employment and earnings inequality • Telecommunications industrial organization and public policy
Jeffrey H. Keefe is Professor Emeritus of Labor and Employment Relations at the School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University, where he has conducted research on labor markets, human resources, and labor-management relations to inform policy. He earned his Ph.D. at Cornell University.
Ph.D., Cornell University
B.A., Villanova University
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Pennsylvania’s teachers are undercompensated—and new pension legislation will cut their compensation even more: Undercompensation is likely a factor in Pennsylvania’s growing teacher shortage
New Jersey public school teachers are underpaid, not overpaid
Public-sector workers are paid less than their private-sector counterparts—and the penalty is larger in right-to-work states
On Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association: The inextricable links between exclusive representation, agency fees, and the duty of fair representation
Laws enabling public-sector collective bargaining have not led to excessive public-sector pay
Eliminating fair share fees and making public employment “right-to-work” would increase the pay penalty for working in state and local government
Ohio public employees are not overcompensated: Rebutting a diversion from Senate Bill 5
Public versus private employee costs in Pennsylvania: Apples-to-apples study provides accurate comparison of compensation
False Savings: How cutting police budgets and laying off cops in high-crime cities lacks economic, social, and common sense
Cockeyed comparisons
Desperate techniques used to preserve the myth of the overcompensated public employee
Are Missouri public employees overcompensated?
Are Minnesota public employees overcompensated?
Wisconsin public versus private employee costs: Why compare apples to oranges?
Are Indiana public employees overcompensated?
Are Wisconsin public employees overcompensated?
Are Ohio public employees overcompensated?
Are Michigan public employees overcompensated?
Debunking the myth of the overcompensated public employee
Are New Jersey public employees overpaid?
Racing To The Bottom: How Antiquated Public Policy Is Destroying the Best Jobs in Telecommunications
Employment and the telecommunications industry
- Will the WorldCom-MCI Merger Tangle the Web?