Hunter Blair is Policy and Research Director at ThinkTennessee. Previously, Hunter worked as a budget analyst at the Economic Policy Institute, where he provided research and policy analysis relevant to federal tax and budget policy. He also worked as a part of EPI’s Economic Analysis and Research Network (EARN) on their EARN in the South initiative.
Hunter earned a bachelor of arts in math and economics from New York University and a master’s in economics from Cornell University.
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Preempting progress: State interference in local policymaking prevents people of color, women, and low-income workers from making ends meet in the South
How Southern state policymakers can strengthen democracy and protect voter health during the coronavirus pandemic
States continue to see record-high levels of initial unemployment insurance claims, including in the South
The South’s worst unemployment numbers may be yet to come given social distancing delays in the region
Higher rates of poverty and incarceration put front-line workers and communities in Southern states at greater risk from the coronavirus
The CARES Act’s aid to state and local governments isn’t enough to shield vital public services from the coronavirus shock: Lessons from the Great Recession tell us why
Southern state policymakers must do more to respond to the coronavirus pandemic: Medicaid expansion, emergency paid sick leave, and dedicated public health resources are especially needed
Progressive revenue options: Descriptions and scores
As investment continues to decline, the Trump tax cuts remain nothing but a handout to the rich
Who’s paying now?: The explicit and implicit costs of the current early care and education system
News from EPI › Year-end budget deal shouldn’t include temporary tax breaks for special interests
On its second anniversary, the TCJA has cut taxes for corporations, but nothing has trickled down
Still terrible at two: The Trump tax act delivered big benefits to the rich and corporations but nearly none for working families
Bipartisan Senate budget bill could damage the economy during recessions
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act isn’t working and there’s no reason to think that will change
Government programs kept tens of millions out of poverty in 2018
It’s not trickling down: New data provides no evidence that the TCJA is working as its proponents claimed it would
Detailed estimates for policies in EPI’s ‘Budget for Shared Prosperity’
EPI’s model federal budget and tax plan: How we can raise the revenue needed to provide universal health care, strengthen safety nets, and shore up public investment
It’s Tax Day again, and there’s still no reason to believe the Republicans’ corporate tax cuts are doing anything for working people
Progressive tax reform requires a healthy IRS
Heading into the midterms, there’s still no evidence that the TCJA is working as promised
Locking in further regressive tax cuts would just make the TCJA worse
Data continues to show little evidence that tax cuts are trickling down to typical workers, and now House Republicans want a do-over
Last week’s GDP data shows there’s still no reason to think the TCJA’s corporate rate cuts are trickling down to workers
‘The People’s Budget’: Analysis of the Congressional Progressive Caucus budget for fiscal year 2019
The likely economic effects of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA): Higher incomes for the top, no discernible effect on wage growth for typical American workers
The Trump administration doubles down in the Wall Street Journal on why trickle-down really does work
For Tax Day, a reminder that economic arguments for the GOP tax plan have no theoretical basis
The Trump tax cuts should be repealed, not made even worse by making individual tax cuts permanent