Areas of expertise
Collective bargaining • Labor market regulation • Public sector labor relations and compensation • Construction and trucking industries
Dale Belman, an Economic Policy Institute research associate, has written for popular and academic publications on collective bargaining, labor relations and compensation in the public sector, government regulation of labor markets and the economics of education. He currently teaches in the School of Labor and Industrial Relations at Michigan State University.
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin Madison (1985)
M.A. University of Wisconsin Madison (1983)
B.A. Bowdoin College (1977)
By Content:
By Area of Research:
By Type:
The Minimum Wage is Effective and Well Targeted
Supplemental Testimony: The Department of Labor’s implementation of the Davis-Bacon Act
Building Better: A Look at Best Practices for the Design of Project Labor Agreements
Small Consolation: The Dubious Benefits of Small Business for Job Growth and Wages
The Truth About Public Employees: Underpaid or Overpaid?