Site help


Need help finding something on EPI.ORG? Please read these brief navigation tips.

To download a file (such as a PDF or MP3 file) to your computer for later reference:
Right-click over the link to the file, choose “save target as” (in Internet Explorer) or “save link (target) as” (in Netscape and Mozilla), select a location on your computer to which to save the file, then click “save.”

To save an image [.gif or .jpg] from a web page:
Right-click over the image, choose “save image as,” select a location on your computer to which to save it, then click “save.”

Please note that all content on this and other EPI sites is copyrighted; permission from EPI is required to reprint any of our content either in print or electronically. Read our copyright and permissions policy and contact for more information.

Recommended software and plug-ins

You can use the following free software to access different types of content on this site:

A current Web browser  to browse the site.  While a majority of pages can be accessed with earlier browsers, some features may not be accessible.
You can get’s Firefox browser here.
You can
get Microsoft Internet Explorer here.

Adobe Reader (previously Acrobat Reader) to view and print PDF documents.
You can get the Adobe Reader here.

Real Player, version 6.0 (G2) or higher, to listen to streaming audio files.
(There are free and paid versions of this player.)
You can get Real Player here.

WinAmp, to listen to mp3 audio files.
You can get WinAmp here.

Any RSS news reader to access our RSS feed.
You can learn more about EPI’s RSS feed and RSS news readers here.

If you have a technical question about this site that isn’t answered here, or would like to share technical feedback about, please contact us at