Events | Retirement

Engaging younger generations in Social Security debates

Date: July 20, 2011

Polls consistently show that young people know little about Social Security, don’t feel they will need it when they retire and/or are skeptical that the program will even exist when they reach retirement age.  As a result of their cynicism and apathy, young people and their interests are rarely part of the policy debates about Social Security.  Yet it is those younger generations that will likely bear the greatest brunt of any changes to the system made in the near term.

Join us at this forum where Dr. Teresa Ghilarducci, nationally renowned retirement security expert, will assess the state of the Social Security system and the steps that can be taken to ensure its long-term fiscal health.  Celinda Lake of Lake Research Partners will present research assessing youth opinion about Social Security and retirement issues, and EPI researcher, Kathryn Anne Edwards, author of A Young Persons Guide to Social Security, will detail how the book, a new EPI publication, can be used to engage young people in these critical debates.


  • Teresa Ghilarducci,  The New School
  • Celinda Lake, Lake Research Partners
  • Kathryn Anne Edwards, Economic Policy Institute


  • Ross Eisenbrey, Economic Policy Institute

See related work on Retirement | Social Security