Black–white and Hispanic–white state unemployment rate ratios, 2019Q4

Black–white ratio Hispanic–white ratio
United States 1.9 1.4
Alabama 1.4 NA
Alaska NA NA
Arizona NA 1.2
Arkansas 1.8 0.6
California 1.7 1.4
Colorado NA 1.1
Connecticut NA 1.0
Delaware 2.5 NA
Washington D.C. 6.5 NA
Florida 2.5 1.2
Georgia 2.2 1.2
Hawaii NA NA
Idaho NA 1.9
Illinois 2.5 1.2
Indiana 1.3 NA
Iowa NA NA
Kansas NA 1.0
Kentucky NA NA
Louisiana 2.5 1.9
Maine NA NA
Maryland 1.2 NA
Massachusetts 1.4 2.0
Michigan 1.9 NA
Minnesota NA NA
Mississippi 2.6 NA
Missouri NA NA
Montana NA NA
Nebraska NA NA
Nevada NA 0.9
New Hampshire NA NA
New Jersey 1.8 1.1
New Mexico NA 1.7
New York 1.4 1.3
North Carolina 1.9 2.1
North Dakota NA NA
Ohio 2.4 NA
Oklahoma NA 1.8
Oregon NA 1.1
Pennsylvania 2.2 1.7
Rhode Island NA NA
South Carolina 1.3 NA
South Dakota NA NA
Tennessee 2.0 NA
Texas 2.0 1.6
Utah NA 1.3
Vermont NA NA
Virginia 1.8 1.8
Washington NA 1.4
West Virginia NA NA
Wisconsin NA NA
Wyoming NA NA


Note: The table reports data only for state subgroups with sample sizes large enough to create accurate estimates.

Source: EPI analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) data and Current Population Survey (CPS) data

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