Women's median wage growth by education, race and ethnicity, 2007–2013

Median wages by education
  2007 2009 2013
White Black Hispanic White Black Hispanic White Black Hispanic
Overall $17.90 $14.89 $13.02 $18.46 $15.80 $13.58 $18.43 $15.00 $13.25
High school only $14.18 $12.36 $12.36 $14.62 $13.03 $13.03 $14.05 $12.02 $12.00
Some college $15.99 $14.44 $14.61 $16.65 $14.66 $15.20 $15.00 $13.31 $13.71
Bachelor’s or more $24.72 $22.47 $22.47 $25.07 $23.49 $22.40 $24.52 $23.08 $21.63
Percent change
   2007-2013  2007-2009  2009-2013
White Black Hispanic White Black Hispanic White Black Hispanic
Overall 3.0% 0.8% 1.8% 3.2% 6.2% 4.3% -0.2% -5.1% -2.4%
High school only -0.9% -2.7% -2.9% 3.1% 5.5% 5.5% -3.9% -7.8% -7.9%
Some college -6.2% -7.8% -6.1% 4.1% 1.6% 4.1% -9.9% -9.2% -9.8%
Bachelor’s or more -0.8% 2.7% -3.7% 1.4% 4.5% -0.3% -2.2% -1.7% -3.5%

Source: EPI's analysis of the Census Bureau's Current Population Survery (CPS-ORG) data

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