Employment in animal production and aquaculture and dairy cattle and milk production, 2006–2016

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Animal production and aquaculture (NAICS 112)          215,578          222,552          226,992          225,789          225,138          230,610          236,308          238,480          245,269          254,327          258,755
Dairy cattle and milk production (NAICS 11212)            78,618            82,482            87,510            86,161            87,289            91,133            94,327            95,515            98,966          103,294          104,377

Note: Employment in dairy cattle and milk production (NAICS 11212) is a subset of employment in animal production and aquaculture (NAICS 112)

Source: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages; all employees in privately-owned establishments. Series Ids: ENUUS000105112 and ENUUS 000105111212

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