Tax cost of Affordable Care Act executive compensation provision as compared to net income of health insurance firms, 2013–2016

Year Number of firms Average tax cost Average executive compensation Average net income Average of the ratios of tax cost to net income
2013 9 $4,735,331 $14,029,520 $1,781,214,000 0.9%
2014 10 $6,921,936 $20,276,960 $1,623,845,000 1.4%
2015 10 $7,234,613 $21,170,320 $1,705,958,000 1.2%
2016 9 $7,258,602 $21,238,860 $2,007,922,000 0.8%

Notes: CEO compensation reflects salary, bonuses, the value of amounts earned during the year pursuant to nonequity incentive plans, changes in pension value and nonqualified deferred compensation earnings, options exercised, the value of restricted shares that vested during the year, and other compensation. Compensation values reflect Compustat's TOTAL_ALT2 series.

Source: Authors' analysis of data from Compustat's ExecuComp database.

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