Rebuilding the American middle class
We want the candidates’ plans!
Add your name below and join Demos and EPI in supporting policies that will help rebuild America’s middle class.
October 2015
To: Rachel Maddow and MSNBC
In the first televised Democratic presidential debate, each candidate spoke passionately about the need to create an economy that works for all Americans, not just the wealthy few. The American people deserve a real, detailed discussion about wage growth and rebuilding the American middle class.
In your upcoming presidential forum on Friday, November 6, we urge you to make raising wages central to the evening’s discussion. We want to hear each candidate’s plans to ensure that America’s prosperity is broadly shared.
On Friday, November 6, MSNBC will host a Democratic presidential forum moderated by Rachel Maddow, and we want to hear the candidates’ plans to generate robust wage growth and ensure that America’s prosperity is broadly shared.
Join Demos and EPI in calling on Rachel Maddow and MSNBC to make raising wages the central theme of the presidential forum.